47 GHz stations

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Information on this page still needs to be improved

This is information about the 47 GHz EME stations with performance data.

On 25-8-2024 the first ever CW QSO on 47 GHz EME was made

At 08.05 UTC the first ever CW QSO between RW3BP and DL7YC succeeded with report 529 and 539

System in use

RW3BP 2.4 mtr offset dish nF = 1.2 dB 30 Watt from a home made  sspa
DL7YC 2.4 mtr 0.4 prime focus dish nF = 1.3 dB 42 Watt from a TWT

System at RW3BP

  The Dish at RW3BP Dual Feed switching between TX and RX
and pre amp by RW3BP

Feed with SSPA with water cooling















System at DL7YC
  The Dish at DL7YC, using EGIS gearbox Feed and feedbox with TWT in front of dish Feedbox, dish aimed at the sun,








TWT power supply in waterproof kissen box











In measuring Moon noise the best time to measure would be close to perigee, high elevation and a few days after full moon.
When I tried to find the best timing for moon noise measurement I found the VK3UM planner tool which predicts moon temperature.

It is clear that measurments on 47 GHz moon noise will vary quite a lot.
My suggestion would be to add the moontemp from the VK3UM planner tool to the measured performance.

Stations performance, I still need data on the red blocks, please send me your info. The list is arranged alphabetical by Callsign

List last updated: 17-09-2024; added data from CT1DMK


Setup from Miguel CT1BYM with 90 cm Kathrein dish

New results from CT1BYM with 1.2 mtr Kathrein offset dish


Gibertini dish EB3FRN with modified construction


Kathrein Dish CAS120 from EA3HMJ , weatherproof setup for RX system






Elevation /temp


elev/temp/humid CS/G date of measurement using WG switch atm temp Moon temp Remarks
AD6FP 1.8 mtr offset 1.5 dB cooled   9.2 dB                  
CT1BYM old 0.6 mtr offset 1.8 dB   6.2 dB 51 deg/26C 0.5 dB 37deg/15/98% 1.9dB 7-6-2022 no -26 @37 elev 221 K Kathrein CAS60
CT1BYM 0.9 mtr offset 1.8 dB   9.4 dB 76deg/ 28C 0.9 dB 37deg/28/70% 2.3dB 29-6-2022 no -28 @ 90 elev  -16 @ 50elev 221K Kathrein CAS90
copied DL7YC
CT1BYM 1.2 mtr offset 1.8 dB   11.4 dB 53deg/28C 1.4 dB xxdeg/28/70% 2.3dB 17-9-2022 yes -16 221K Kathrein CAS120
copied DL7YC
CT1BYM 1.2 mtr offset 1.8 dB   11.8 dB 52 deg/27C 1.65 dB 44 deg/18/83% 2.3dB 8-7-2023 yes -7 221 K Kathrein CAS120
copied RW3BP
CT1DMK 2.6 mtr offset 3.5 dB
lna in progress
5 W TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD -   - - coming soon
DC7KY 2.4 mtr offset 2.2 @17C 18 9.6 dB 15 ? 1.0 dB 3 C/62%     yes     Copied W5LUA
worked DL7YC
DL0SHF 2.8 mtr tbd tbd   TBD TBD TBD TBD           Still optimizing
DL7YC new 2.4 mtr 0.4 pf 1.3 dB 42 12.5 dB 37 deg/26C 1.7 - 2 dB      24-8-2024 yes     Copied W5LUA, worked DC7KY, VE4MA, RW3BP
DL7YC old 2.4 mtr 0.4 pf 2 dB 42 12 dB 38 deg 1.2 dB  33 deg/3/62%   15-4-2022 yes      
EA3HMJ new dish 1.2 mtr offset 1.8 dB 2 11.7dB 54 deg/21C 1.5 dB 50,4deg/11/20%    - 6-4-2023 yes -21 262 K Kathrein CAS120
EA3HMJ 1.2 mtr offset 1.8 dB 2 9.8 dB 70 deg/30C 0.8 dB   64deg/30C/30%   22-6-2022


11 247 K copied DL7YC
EB3FRN 1.5 mtr offset 1.8 dB   11.5 dB >60deg/34C 1.5 dB >50deg/33C/26%   23-7-2022 no -16 - Gibertini dish
JA1WQF 2.4 mtr cassegrain 1.65 dB 10 9.3 dB >27 deg 1 dB >27 deg 2.8 dB 12-11-2020 yes     Copied W5LUA
copied DL7YC
LX1DB 3.0 mtr 0,3 pf 2.2dB Spacek ? 7.1 dB 19C 63% 0.45 dB   0.8 dB          
OK1DFC 2.4 mtr offset 2.4 dB 0,1 7.7 dB 25deg/14C 0.77 dB 25 deg/8C/46%         253 K copied DL7YC
PA7JB 60 cm offset 5.5 dB - 4.2 dB         7-6-2024       Kathrein CAS60
PE1CKK 0.6 mtr offset 6 dB   4.2 dB   0.3 dB             Kathrein CAS60
DL/PA0EHG 1.8 mtr 0.4 pf 2.5 dB 4 10.1 dB 59deg/21C 0.8 dB 40 deg/21/45% 1.5 dB 5-7-2022 no 9.5@59 elev 207 K Precision Industries
DL/PA0EHG old 1.8 mtr 0.4 pf 6 dB 4 6.4 dB 27deg / 5C 0.58 dB 25deg/12C/55% 0.8 dB 7-4-2020 no   261 K Precision Industries
RW3BP 2.4 mtr offset 1.2 dB 30 sspa 15.25dB 51deg / 12C  3.06 dB 46deg/2.6C/75% 3.83 dB 10-5-2024 no     QRV again 30 Watt
worked DL7YC
UR3VKE 1.8 mtr offset 1.7 dB - 10.5 dB   1.2 dB     6-7-2023 yes     copied DL7YC
VE4MA 2.4 mtr offset 2.1 dB 30 9.5 dB 40deg/20C 0.85 dB     12-7-2023 yes     QSO'd RW3BP,AD6FP,W6YX, DL7YC
VE4MA 2 feet offset 4 dB ? 5.5 dB   0.3 dB              
W5LUA 2.4 mtr offset 2.85 25 8.2 45deg/28C 0.72 dB 60deg/28C/75%         228 K new LNA
copied DL7YC
W5LUA old 2.4 mtr offset 4 dB 25 6 dB   0.4 dB              

feedbox with TWT 40 Watt at feed from DL7YC


Table atm temp:
I have been working with a infrared thermometer to measure the temp of the atmosphere. I think this will give some extra information on atmospheric losses during the measurements/ The proposal is to measure during the 47 GHz measurements also the atmospheric temperature at the same angle and direction of the moon or the sun. I hope this will bring us closer to understanding atmospheric losses on 47 GHz for EME. Values can be seen between -20 or -30 during unclouded weather and low humidity in atmosphere but during clouded weather or unclouded weather with high humidity the measured atmospheric temperature will be much higher even up to the level of ground temperature. We can expect that losses on 47 GHz will be much higher than when we measure a atmospheric temp at -20 degrees Celsius.
Mind that some infrared thermometers will not measure these low values, a simple test in your freezer will show you if the infrared thermometer can be used.

Table moon temp:
The moon temperature is related to the sunshine on the moon and therefore directly related to the phase of the moon.
In VK3UM EME planner we can find the moon temp during the measurement, the proposal is to find this value and add this to the measured data. Up to now I have seen strong dependency on measured moon noise levels and moon temp, as might be expected.
