24 GHz Stations performance

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This is information about the 24 GHz EME stations with performance data and pictures of the different stations.

Stations performance, I still need data on the red blocks, please send me your info. The list is arranged alphabetical by Callsign

List last updated: 22-11-2024

Updated new info from:  added IZ0JNY







CS/G Remarks
9A5AA 2.4 mtr offset ? 35 W 10.9 1.1   QRV
AA6IW 2.4 mtr offset 1.6 dB - - 1.6 dB - QRT
CT1BYM 1.2 mtr offset 1.1dB 25W 12.3 1.4 dB 4.2 QRV, new lna
CT1BYM 1.8 mtr f/d 0.32 1.6 dB 4 W 10.2 dB 1.2 dB 3.2 dB QRV
CT1DMK 2.6 mtr offset 1.2 dB 20 or 120 W TBD TBD` TBD coming soon
DB6NT 3.7 mtr f/d 0.35 1.5 dB 40 W 14.4 dB 1.7 dB 3.25 dB QRV
DC7KY 2.4 mtr offset 1.6 dB 25/120 W TWT 13.9 dB 1.6 dB   QRV


2.4 mtr


1.2 dB

40 W

11.7 dB

1.45 dB

DJ7FJ 4.5 mtr - 1.5 dB - 14.6 dB 2.1 dB 3.8 dB -
DK3UC 2.4 mtr f/d 0.33 - - 10.5 dB 1.1 dB - -


3.7 mtr


1.3 dB

30 W

12-14 dB

1.8 - 2.5 dB

DL3WDG 2.4 mtr offset 1.3 dB 10 W 12.5 dB 1.2 dB TBD QRV
DL7YC 2.4 mtr   1.1 dB 45 W 13 dB 1.8 dB - QRV
EA3HMJ 1.8 mtr offset 1.4 dB 12 W 12 dB 0.6 dB   QRV
F2CT 2.2mtr Gregorian   1.6 dB 20 W SSPA 12.8 dB 1.6 dB   QRV
G4NNS 3.7 mtr Cassegrain f/d 0.43 1.7 dB 25 W 12.5 dB 1.4dB - QRV
IK2RTI 2.7 mtr offset     35 W   2   QRV
IQ4DF 7 mtr   - - 11 dB 1 dB - -
IZ0JNY 1 mtr offset f/d 0.66 1.5 dB 19 W 7.6 dB 0.6 dB   QRV


3 mtr Cassegrain f/d 0.25 1.5 dB - 11.4 dB 1.1 dB 3.2 dB -
JA6CZD 2.4 mtr offset   1.5 dB 30 W SSPA 13 dB 2.2 dB 3 dB QRV
JA1WQF               QRV


3 mtr

f/d 0.4

1.4 dB


15.5 dB

2.6 dB

LZ4OC 1.8 mtr offset 1.5 dB 20 W 12 dB 1.2 dB - QRV
OH2AXH 3 mtr - - - 14 dB 2 dB 3 dB  
OH2DG 3 mtr   1.6 dB 20 W SSPA        
OK1DFC 1.8 mtr f/d 0.4 1.6 dB   9.6 dB 1.6 dB 2.8 dB  
OK1KIR 4.2 mtr f/d 0.42 1.5 dB 22 W SSPA >14 dB >2 dB 3.0 dB QRV


3 mtr

f/d 0.35

1.35 dB

30 W


1.35 dB

OZ1FF 1.8 mtr offset f/d 0.6 1.4 dB 10 W SSPA 10 - 13 dB 1.3 - 2.3 dB   QRV
OZ1LPR 2.4 mtr offset f/d 0.7 ? 20 W TWT ? 1.4 dB ? QRV
PA0BAT 3.7 mtr f/d 0.4 1.8 dB 11 W SSPA 13.8 dB 2.2 dB 3.6 dB feed QRV
PA0EHG 3 mtr f/d 0.4 1.25 dB 10 W 15.2 dB 2.4 dB 3.5 dB temp QRT
PA3DZL 3.7 mtr f/d 0.34 1.5 dB 30 W 11.4 dB 1.3 dB 3.1 dB QRV
PA7JB 2.4 mtr offset - 1.6 dB 24 W 12 dB 1.6 dB - QRV
PE1CKK 1.8 mtr offset - 1.0 dB 30 W 14 dB 1.4 dB - QRV
RW3BP 2.4 mtr offset - 1.6 dB - 15 dB 2 dB - -
S57NML               QRV
SP6GWN               QRV
UR3VKE 1.8 mtr offset f/d 0.6 1.5 dB 20 W 11 dB 1.2 dB 2 dB QRV


2.4 mtr

f/d 0.7

1.2 dB

50 W @ feed

15 dB

2.3 dB

VE7CLD 4.5 mtr   2 dB   12.5 dB 1.5 dB   QRT


2.4 mtr



100 W

14.2 dB

2.2 dB

WA7PY 3 mtr f/d 0.29 2.2 dB RX only TBD 1.4 dB 2.7 dB -

Take a look at info extracted from the EME newsletter about 24 GHz EME

audio files from VE4MA

audio file from W5LUA

audio file W5LUA at DF1OI

24 GHz conquered 47 GHz the next frontier, proceedings of the 10th EME conference (pdf file)

The first 24 GHz moonbounce QSO bij Barry VE4MA and Al W5LUA (pdf file)

Station from OK1KIR


Station from PA0EHG


Station from DF1OI


Station from VE4MA


Station from LX1DB

Solid state amplifier from LX1DB in focus of dish


Station from DL7YC up to now RX only


Station from IK2RTI


WA7PY up to now RX only

